Think of All the Glue Guns and Beads from Michael’s Brit Morin Can Buy With Her $6.3M Series A


Ms. Morin

Ms. Morin

Mini Martha and ex-Googler Brit Morin is expanding her arts and crafts empire with a fresh $ 6.3 million Series A, according to Business Insider. Ms. Morin, who’s married to Path cofounder Dave Morin and is known for creating colorful drawings on restaurant table cloths around Silicon Valley, raised the round from a number of bold-faced names, including Lerer Ventures and Marissa Mayer.

Ms. Morin hopes to use the money to expand her brand, develop an ecommerce platform and continue to attempt to convince Silicon Valley that bedazzling fanny packs and refashioning belts into headgear is helping to solve legitimate real world problems.

You, too, can be a hipster homemaker, if only you can afford to convert a spare bedroom into your own walk-in closet.

Twitter users reacted with characteristic excitement for Ms. Morin’s capital infusion.

In celebration of this occasion, we’ll be painstakingly gluing hundreds of beads to a pair of cheap sunglasses in the name of #disruption.
