Pitch for Linkites-mSchool mobile app
Company / App Name: Linkites-mSchool mobile app
What does it do?
mSchool is a mobile app designed for parents who are not able to go at their kids’ school and attend his/her school meetings, school attendance, annual functions, fee alerts etc.
Why do we need it?
If you a Parent of a kid and don’t have enough time to go to your kid’s school to know his daily school activities, his/her performance and feedback then with mSchool Stay Plugged in with Your Kid’s School Activities.
Who is it for?
This app is for Schools and Parents both. This amazing app connects Schools and Parents easing Parents concern of knowing their kids daily activities.
What makes it stand out from the crowd?
Tthe features that it provide make it stand out from others. mSchool silent features are Ask Your Child, Events & News, School Diary, Attendance,Teacher’s Message, Smart Calendar and many more
What’s next?
We are trying to enhance it with new ideas
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