Pitch for Hooks -

Company / App Name: Hooks – Alerts that matter


What does it do?

Hooks is an alerts for everything app: you set up an alert and you will receive a notification when it happens e.g concert near you, TV shows new episodes, movie releases by rating, director or starring, website down, Twitter search results

Why do we need it?

We think that notifications will become a major way you get most of your information. This is happening already as “wearable technology” like the Apple Watch has been introduced so people are going to need killer apps to help them.

Who is it for?

We will start focusing on people who use “wearable technology”, geeks and control-freaks.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

There are not many end-to-end user apps that let you get alerts for many useful things.

What’s next?

We will let users tell us what alerts they want: We will create it as it is really cheap, reusable, and practically guarantees a satisfied user. We will at first focus primarily on geek users so this effect is more noticeable.

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