New York Is Working On A ‘Revenge Porn’ Law That Would Be Tougher Than California’s


State Senator Phil Boyle wants to pass a “revenge porn” law in New York that will be even tougher than the one just passed in California, he told a local radio station.

Revenge porn is when someone posts nude photos on the Internet without the person’s consent. It’s an extremely ugly get-even tactic used by an angry ex.

In California, posting such photos without consent and “with the intent to cause serious emotional distress” has become a misdemeanor, punishable by up to six months in jail or a $ 1,000 fine. The law doesn’t cover photos that people took of themselves.

Boyle says he wants to make New York’s law really tough by including “selfies” or self-portraits.

“If a young woman takes a picture of herself, sends it to the boyfriend, a couple of years later he’s posting it, that would be included under our legislation and that’s a very significant improvement in the law,” Boyle told 1010 WINS’ Mona Rivera. “Remember, 80 percent of these pictures are ‘selfies.’”

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